OECD – ITP Program (Teacher Ready)

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives.

The OECD Initial Teacher Preparation (ITP) Study identifies and explores common challenges, strengths and innovations in worldwide ‘initial teacher preparation’ systems throughout participating countries/economies.

Initially involving 7 countries (Australia, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, United States & United Kingdom), the programs wishes to develop an international benchmark on effective initial teacher preparation systems. As a collaborative project, findings are to be published worldwide.

OECD – ITP Program
(Teacher Ready)







The OECD approached Jackett after we were recommended by Australia’s peak education advisory body (Federal Government department), Australian Institute for Teaching & School Leadership (AITSL). Jackett were engaged to create unique ITP- Teacher Ready branding that would be instantly recognized throughout the world. It had to reflect, but also differentiate from the OECD master brand. Once agreed upon the brand and associated styleguide would be used to create an online resource with all seven study findings easily navigated in an intuitive, user-friendly fashion.


Jackett undertook an extensive findings study examining worlds best practice industry related web and print content, target audience desires, intensive research on key information impartment requirements (from within the study). Jackett undertook an all-encompassing UX & UI mapping which was compiled with above information and shared back to the OECD in a formal presentation.

Brand Design & Website build

Jackett designed the ‘OECD Teacher Ready!’ branding taking into account end users such as Teachers, industry leaders, stakeholders and politicians. The website was created in a consultative fashion on a secure BETA site. Extensive product testing was undertaken throughout the build ensuring that each countries key stakeholders were given unfettered access and provided opportunity for feedback.


The Event Learning Company


My Mind My Voice